Definition of IDWeek 2022TM
"IDWeekTM 2022" - (hereinafter "IDWeek") is a joint meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), the HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA), the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS), and the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP). IDWeek 2022 will be held live in Washington, DC Oct. 19-23 with virtual components.
Eligibility for Exhibiting
All companies and organizations with products or services directly related to the field of infectious diseases are welcome to exhibit. IDWeek reserves the right to determine eligibility. Market research companies are welcome to exhibit provided they submit a letter of authorization from a sponsoring company.
Cancellation of Exhibit
If IDWeek is cancelled due to fire, power outages, strikes, acts of war, acts of God, or other causes that would prevent IDWeek from continuing the meeting, IDWeek and exhibiting companies will have no further obligation to each other. After considering expenses and obligations, IDWeek will issue a partial refund to exhibiting companies.
Contract for Space
The electronic signed application for exhibit space and the deposit for rental charges constitute a contract for the rights to use the space allotted.
Please complete the online application and submit a 50% deposit for the exhibit rental charge by June 30. The remaining balance must be paid on or before July 29. If full payment is not received by this date, space can be reassigned or sold.
Enforcement of Rules and Regulations
The exhibiting company has a terminable license to exhibit. If an exhibitor fails to comply with any rules or regulations of IDWeek, the license to exhibit may be terminated and the exhibit closed without notice or refund. IDWeek reserves the right to adopt, interpret, or amend these rules and regulations.
Fire and Electrical Regulations
All exhibiting companies must comply with local, state, and federal fire and electrical regulations and safety rules. Additional information will be provided in the Exhibitor Service Manual.
Food and Drug Administration
Exhibitors with products regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must comply with FDA guidelines and restrictions. For more information, contact the FDA Division of Drug Marketing.
Vaccination Policy
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination will be required for all in person participants of IDWeek 2022.
The exhibitor shall, at its sole cost and expense, procure and maintain throughout the term of the contract for exhibit space, comprehensive general liability insurance against claims of bodily injury or death and property damage occurring in or upon or resulting from the premises leased. The general liability insurance should recognize the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) as an additional insured. Such insurance shall include contractual liability and products liability coverage with the combined and single limits of liability of not less than $1,000,000. The exhibitor shall, at its sole cost and expense, procure and maintain throughout the term of this contract worker’s compensation and occupational disease insurance in full compliance with all federal and state laws governing all of the exhibitor’s employees engaged in the performance of any work for the exhibitor. The exhibitor shall obtain and shall furnish upon the request of exhibit management a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance.
IDWeek will not be responsible for any loss, injury, theft, or damage of any kind to any of the exhibiting company’s employees or property. The exhibiting company shall hold harmless IDWeek, Washington, DC, USA, the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, and their respective employees, agents, and contractors against all claims, fines, liabilities, thefts, injuries, and damages of any kind to persons or property. If IDWeek is held liable for an exhibitor’s action or inaction, the exhibitor shall reimburse IDWeek for all expenses and hold IDWeek harmless from any liability.
Market Research
Market research companies are welcome to exhibit provided they submit a letter of authorization from a sponsoring company. The sponsoring company is responsible for the conduct of the market research firm. As with other exhibitors, market research companies may not vacate their booths until the end of the exhibition. Surveys must be conducted within the confines of the virtual booth assigned.
Non-Contracted Exhibit Space
Any person, firm, or organization not having contracted with IDWeek for the occupancy of space in the exhibit hall will not be permitted to display or demonstrate any products, processes, or services; solicit orders; or distribute advertising materials in the convention center or in any hotel used by IDWeek to house registrants. Any noncompliance with this regulation will result in the prompt removal of the offending person and property from the area. No exhibits will be allowed in hotel rooms.
No-Smoking Policy
The Walter E. Washington Convention Center is a non-smoking facility.
PhRMA Code and OIG Guidance
IDWeek staff is knowledgeable about the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) Code, and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Guidance and can assist exhibiting companies with compliance.
Subletting/Sharing of Space
Subletting or sharing of space is not allowed at any time.