Acceptance of Assignment
Exhibiting companies must inform IDWeek, in writing, within one week of receiving their assignment if it does not meet their needs. IDWeek will try to accommodate all requests.
Assignment of Space
The IDWeek assigns space as equitably as possible using a priority point system and then on a first-come, first-served, space-available basis. The first round of assignments will involve companies that have exhibited for each of the last five years and that have applied by Feb. 4. Thereafter, IDWeek will assign space based on the date the application is received. IDWeek reserves the right to revise the floor plan to meet the needs of the majority of exhibiting companies. Booth assignments will be issued by March 18.
Booth Relocation
IDWeek avoids relocating booths. If such a move becomes necessary, IDWeek will explain the situation to the exhibiting company. IDWeek, at its discretion, also reserves the right to move any exhibiting company which reduces its space after receiving its initial assignment. If the new assignment is unacceptable, the exhibiting company must inform IDWeek in writing within one week of the assignment.
Late Assignments
After Feb. 4, IDWeek will continue to sell space if it is available. All other deadlines remain in effect.
Exhibiting companies that reserve booth space and do not provide IDWeek with a written explanation of their inability to exhibit or fail to arrive by 9 a.m., Oct. 20, will forfeit all priority points, forfeit the entire cost of the booth space, and may lose the opportunity to participate in future IDWeek meetings.
Priority Point System
The system places value on a continued relationship, not just booth size. Companies earn one point for each year they have exhibited at previous IDWeek meetings. After exhibiting for five years consecutively, companies earn an additional bonus point. Points accumulate annually without limit. If an exhibiting company merges with, is acquired by, or purchases another exhibiting company, the new company will receive the points earned by the company that had the higher total, if requested in writing by the merged company.
Denial of Booth Space
IDWeek and its affiliates reserve the right to deny a booth application for any group for any reason. If payment was received with the denied application, an immediate refund will be issued to the exhibiting company who was denied space. Please allow 4-6 weeks for refund by check.