Admittance to the Exhibit Hall
Exhibitors must wear official exhibitor badges at all times. Exhibitors are allowed in the hall one hour prior to and one hour after exhibit hours or by special permission. Exhibitor-appointed contractors may enter the exhibit hall two hours prior to the opening of the show each day. No one under 18 is allowed in the exhibit hall without a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.
Booth Activities and Conduct
Please be considerate of other exhibitors and conduct business within the boundaries of your booth. Do not use flashing lights, megaphones, loudspeakers, side-show tactics or noisy displays, helium balloons, glitter, confetti, live animals, stick-on decals, or other adhesive items.
Convention Center Rules and Regulations
Exhibitors must comply with all the rules and regulations of the Convention Center and should leave the hall as they found it. Additional information will be available in the Exhibitor Service Manual.
Exhibiting Personnel
All exhibitors are expected to dress and conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times and comply with all IDWeek exhibitor policies.
Exhibitor Lounge
There will be an exhibitor lounge located in the exhibit hall. The lounge will be open during exhibit installation and regular exhibit hours.
Exhibitor Registration/Badges
For every 100 square feet of space purchased, each exhibiting company will receive four complimentary exhibitor registration badges. Additional badges will be available for $100.
Placing business cards over or altering official IDWeek badges is strictly prohibited. Badge exchange between exhibitor representatives is not permissible. IDWeek requires that all company representatives must be registered for the meeting. Exhibitor badges will not permit attendance to the sessions. Exhibitors who wish to attend the sessions must register as full attendees either prior to the meeting or onsite.
Information and the deadlines to register booth personnel will be sent under separate cover. No badges will be issued without proof of company affiliation.
No badge name changes will be allowed after the published deadline. This includes onsite at exhibitor registration. There are no refunds for badges purchased and not used.
Housing and Transportation
Housing and transportation information, including exhibitor room blocks, will be sent with the booth assignments.
Product Sales
Exhibitors are permitted to sell and take orders for their own products provided they are pertinent to the practice of science or medicine. Exhibitors are responsible for complying with all business license, sales, and tax requirements.
Work Passes
Installation and dismantling work passes are available to unregistered exhibiting personnel and exhibitor-designated contractors who provide proof of affiliation with the exhibiting company. Work passes will be valid for move-in and move-out only.