When is the submission deadline?
Who can I contact for technical support with the submission site?
For technical support with the submission site, please call (direct) (410) 638-9239 or (toll free) (877) 426-6323 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, or email Help@ConferenceAbstracts.com.
What is the abstract submission fee?
There is no fee to submit an abstract at this time.
How long can my abstract be? Can I include images?
The abstract character limit is 1,950 (spaces are not counted). Title and authors do not count against the 1,950-character limit. Figures are accepted, and they do not count towards the character limit.
How many images can I upload?
A maximum of four images, figures or tables are permitted for each abstract. There isn’t a maximum allowed resolution for figures. Acceptable file types for images are .gif, .jpg and png. Color images are allowed. Please provide high-resolution images.
How many abstracts can I submit?
There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author can submit. Do not send multiple submissions of the same abstract. Duplicate abstracts will be rejected. Be sure to combine all new information into one abstract.
Can I revise my abstract?
Revisions to your submission can be made before the submission deadline. No changes will be accepted after this deadline. To make changes to your abstract prior to the deadline, follow the link to your submission found in your submission confirmation email. To make a change, select one of the nine steps to submit an abstract and save your changes. You will not receive a new confirmation email.
Can I add an author or remove an author from my abstract?
Authors can be changed before the submission deadline. Requests after this date will not be accommodated.
Is my submission complete?
Your submission is complete when you select “Submit” at the end of the abstract submission process. On the screen, you will see the message, “Abstract successfully completed.” You will also receive an email with your abstract number and the link to go back and review your submission. Submissions with “Status: INCOMPLETE” cannot be processed. You may update or make changes to your abstract up until the submission deadline.
When and how will I know if my abstract is accepted?
View all abstract deadlines. Abstract disposition notices will be sent via email to the presenting author only. Abstract dispositions will not be provided over the telephone. It is the responsibility of the presenting author to notify and ensure that all co-authors are informed that the abstract has either been accepted or rejected, and to disseminate the presentation scheduling information. If your abstract is accepted, you will receive guidelines for preparing poster or oral presentations.
Should I register for IDWeek to present my abstract?
All abstract presenters must register to attend IDWeek. Every accepted abstract must be presented by a registered attendee at IDWeek.
What is a late breaker abstract?
Late breaker abstracts are highly competitive; only abstracts containing new, novel, cutting-edge information will be considered. IDWeek will permit “non-trial data” abstracts on critical or emerging issues to be submitted through the call for late breakers. Because of the nature of late breakers, IDWeek will accept very few submissions for presentations, less than 10%. All late breaker abstracts must be submitted online. Authors of late breaker abstracts are not eligible to apply IDWeek travel grants or awards.
Can I request my abstract be presented on a certain day or time?
IDWeek cannot accommodate date/time presentation requests. You may have a listed co-author present your abstract if you are unable to attend and do not wish to withdraw.
When can I get into the Poster Hall to set up my poster? When must I remove my poster?
This information will be provided closer to the date of the conference.
Where can I find the embargo and copyright information?
You can review the embargo and copyright policy on the Abstract Policies & Procedures page.
How do I cite an IDWeek abstract?
The following is a suggested style for citing IDWeek abstracts:
Example Only
Presenter(s). Title. [Paper/Poster/Talk] presented at IDWeek; October 3-7, 2018; San Francisco, CA. https://idweek.org
Abstracts from previous IDWeek meetings are available through the Interactive Program for that year (Visit the Post Meeting Tools page for the link). In your abstract citation, use the appropriate URL for the meeting in which the abstract was presented.
Can anyone be a presenting author, or do they have to be listed as an author on the abstract?
Only authors that are listed on the submitted abstract may serve as the presenting author.
How many presenting authors may I have on my abstract?
IDWeek only allows for one presenting author. To change the presenting author, a listed author must email abstracts@idweek.org and provide either the submission ID, poster ID, or title of your abstract and the name of a listed co-author who will serve as the new presenting author.